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Let’s Keep it Clean

Here at Viner and Sons, second to the staff, our fleet is the most important attribute to the business. They are here to provide a service to our families and we as a company need to look after them both mechanically and visually. We have invested in a new water system to make sure that they look the best they can. The most important part of this is something called Reverse Osmosis. Have you ever noticed when you wash your car, you are quite often left with watermarks over your paintwork? So did we and they do not look great against black paint. These marks are

Reverse Osmosis is a water purification process that uses a number of different filters to remove ions and unwanted molecules from drinking water. It can remove many types of dissolved chemicals from the water leaving just the chemically formulated water H2O.

If you ever see us washing the vehicles and want to ask questions, please feel free to ask.



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